On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:43:58 -0400
Tom Horsley wrote:

> I'm running the same service in fedora 13 with no delay at boot.
> My resolv.conf and idmapd.conf files are identical, both
> systems have the same static IP defined the same way. Don't
> know why f14 takes 30 seconds to not find the domain name...

Found it! The /etc/hosts file on my f14 partition was just
the default file with localhost, localhost.localdomain, etc.

I copied the one from my f13 partition which defines a few
more things and uses my real domain on localhost and
idmapd starts with no delay now (though curiously, it
still complains about not finding the domain name).

Anyone know where tools like idmapd and sendmail (which also
has long timesout on bad hosts file) expect to find the
domain name that causes them to timeout like this?

Could I configure something in my dd-wrt router to respond
to some broadcast with the domain for my lan?
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