On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 12:40 +0800, Qiang Li wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 22:14 +0200, Christoph Frieben wrote:
> > 2010/10/25 Qiang Li:
> > > What kind of way do you use to install a fresh fedora rawhide?
> > 
> > You grab the most recent install media, e.g. F14 RC1, and add the
> > rawhide repo during the repo customization stage of anaconda. This
> > approach will work most of the time.
> > 
> > ~C
> It sounds good. However, would the anaconda contained in boot.iso of the
> most recent install media be too old to support rawhide installation?
> Or, would it be better to grab boot.iso from fedora branched repo, e.g.
> http://<mirror site>/fedora/development/14/x86_64/os/images ?  Have you
> done it like this before?
> Looking forward to your reply.
> Qiang

Hi Qiang,

Either boot.iso is ok for installing rawhide, just remember to change
the package repo to point to rawhide. I used to install rawhide by using
boot.iso of previous releases/pre-releases, and it worked as expected. 



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