On Sun, 2010-10-31 at 12:48 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 05:03:30 -0500,
>   "Robert G. (Doc) Savage" <dsav...@peaknet.net> wrote:
> > 
> > It may, but that's moot. l-i-t-d does that formatting, and it's not a
> > user option. l-i-t-d should also specify a filesystem type for mount,
> > but it's not doing that right either.
> Normally you don't need to specify a file system for a mount. Mount can
> detect what type it should be, and use the correct handler. When you
> get that message usually something is messed up with the filesystem.


I think I found at least part of the problem here. The Downloads
directory in my home folder is bind mounted to an NFS filesystem on an
RHEL5 server. For some reason the iso file is being severely truncated
by that NFS filesystem:

Here's the original file in a 1.1TB ext3 filesystem:

        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
        Sunday - October 31, 2010  17:16:56 CDT
        [...@lion] /pub/fedora/linux/releases/14/Live
        $ ls -l
        total 5463812
        -rw------- 1 doc doc        950 Oct 21 09:17 
        -rw------- 1 doc doc 5589458944 Oct 21 10:06 Fedora-14-Live-multi.iso
        drwxrwxr-x 2 doc doc       4096 Oct 26 20:02 i386
        drwxrwxr-x 2 doc doc       4096 Oct 26 20:02 x86_64

Here's the NFS-exported version as seen on the F13 system, the one
running l-i-t-d:

        Fedora release 13 (Goddard)
        Sunday - October 31, 2010  16:55:17 CDT
        [...@tiger] /net/lion/pub/fedora/linux/releases/14/Live
        $ ls -l
        total 5463812
        -rw------- 1 doc doc        950 Oct 21 09:17 
        -rw------- 1 doc doc 1294491648 Oct 21 10:06 Fedora-14-Live-multi.iso
        drwxrwxr-x 2 doc doc       4096 Oct 26 20:02 i386
        drwxrwxr-x 2 doc doc       4096 Oct 26 20:02 x86_64

Curiously, the difference in file sizes is precisely 4GB. Is this a bug,
or normal behavior for NFS?

--Doc Savage
  Fairview Heights, IL

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