On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R wrote:

> I added the Linus memcpy given in the referenced articles
> to the source code of xface.c, one of the routines in pan(1).
> That did not fix the problem.
> I also tried LD_PRELOAD and that didn't fix the problem either.
> This suggests the breakage is unrelated to Pan's use of memcpy.

Note that if you have an i7 then there is a different glibc problem 
(actually a chip bug) which affects F14 glibc, see
If you have that chipset I suggest you update to glibc-2.12.90-19 from 
updates-testing (or downgrade to the latest F13 glibc).

        Michael Young
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