On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Read a couple of reviews and blog posts mentioning this,  if you use ntp
> via firstboot in Fedora 14 and you login, you get SELinux warnings on
> login.  I tried testing this in a vm and this is very much reproducible
> and is such a jarring user experience.  What can we do to avoid these
> class of problems for the next release?

Not having so many fedora developers, testers, and redhat staff
running with selinux in disabled/in permissive mode would be a good

Can you link to the reviews?  I'm pretty sure I enabled ntp in first
boot on all the systems I've installed F14 on and I don't recall
seeing alerts on the first login— and it's something I would have
reported if I noticed it.
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