#152: Test Cases Management
  Reporter:  rhe          |       Owner:  rhe          
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new          
  Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  Fedora 15    
 Component:  Wiki         |     Version:               
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  retrospective
Comment (by adamwill):

 Replying to [comment:6 xcieja]:
 > Hi,
 > I have found following
 > In my opinion it can serve as draft of functionality we would like to
 have or we should have. Obviously i would add to the table additional
 column and introduced a rule that each test case has to have corresponding
 name like : Netoworking 1, Networking 2 and so on...
 > Now, i think the question is if we can do it via Wiki or TCMS.

 Of course we can do it via the Wiki, as that example is done using the
 Wiki =) we already use a similar table format for test case results for
 most test days, and the validation testing. The drawbacks of using the
 wiki to track results are mostly in cleanliness (it's too free-form so
 users can mess up the tables), consistency (we don't really store all the
 results for any given test case in one place, instead we store results for
 *some particular event* which referenced those test cases), flexibility
 (see what rhe wrote) and comprehensiveness (a more sophisticated system
 could probably include more detail for each result, perhaps automatically
 retrieved from the user).

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/152#comment:9>
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