On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 at 10:25am, Adam Williamson wrote

> On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 21:53 -0800, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R wrote:
>> No ground loop noise!   VLC player can pass the Dolby Digital
>> or DTS signal to the receiver for full surround sound.
> If you're trying to do this, expect problems, as PulseAudio doesn't
> really cope with encoded signal passthrough yet, though I believe
> someone's working on it.

Wow, seriously?  The advice I've always seen for HTPCs is to disable 
pulseaudio, but I was thinking about trying out pulse when I upgrade mine 
to F14.  Guess not.

To the OP, try taking pulse out of the equation by removing 
alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.  On my F12 HTPC, digital passthrough works on 
both HDMI and optical with that setup.  Places like the XBMC forums and/or 
the Linux forums over at avsforum can be quite helpful for this.

Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin
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