On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 19:31:51 +0530,
  Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That is a gross mischaracterization of people are expecting in this
> discussion.  For one, the fallback mode provides pretty much the same
> experience as before the upgrade and doesn't degrade it.  I don't care

I think you want the future tense there. The fallback mode doesn't work
currently if you don't have gnome-shell installed.

> about every single MB on my hard drive however randomly adding
> artificial dependencies to packages cannot be the solution for providing
> the upgrade experience you want to provide.  If you want to tackle that
> problem, it is a much bigger one (defaults change, new packages get
> added,  some cleanup might be needed etc)  and needs to be handled
> differently. 

I believe there was a claim that proper obsoletes and provides could
potentially handle upgrades from older Fedora releases while not using
hard dependencies. I did not see a detailed proposal on how this would
be done though.
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