2011/3/19 Michael Dinon <mdi...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I had been running the alpha from an installation done on a nightly compose
> from March 10th.  Something with today's update left the system unable to
> boot past "Starting User Permissions" in the boot process right after a
> message regarding "systemd stopping kernel log".  Has anyone else
> encountered this?
> i did. but, surprise, after 6m45s, the system booted in runlevel 3, i
suppose. i said "suppose" because i have no idea what will happen half an
hour after :)

it started by first not rebooting (in a decent timeframe). i disabled
akmods, md monitor and abrtd, which all failed, and i'll see what changes
after the very long reboot occurs.
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