On 03/22/2011 09:55 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 12:03 -0600, Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
>> Adam Williamson wrote:
>>> What 'cruft' are you talking about?
>> I just want pure gnome3, no old cruft. How do I get it?
> I still have no idea what you mean by 'old cruft'.

Not trying to speak for the other person, but I have wondered since F15 
Alpha came out about a /home directory that has been re-used for several 
versions of fedora.  At one point, I had to backup /home and start over 
with a new /home in F15 to get the gnome shell to come up and then 
re-add selectively from the backup to get some of the "old" gnome 
.desktop files back into use.

All that said, I think I also used the words "old cruft" in a msg on the 
desktop list where I wondered about the affects of a reused /home 
directory that also contained xfce and kde sessions.  I am still 
wondering how well gnome 3 gets along with others.  For the most part it 
seems to like its cousins.


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