On 03/25/2011 06:52 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 16:52 -0500, John Watzke wrote:
>>         Like maybe it's trying to mount my nfs mount before the
>>         network and/or services to do it have started yet? (just to
>>         try, I'll
>>         make sure it's not sleeping and fully awake when booting and
>>         make sure
>>         that isn't it).
>>    Yes, that's what I'm thinking.  If you turn off the automount of
>> your NFS share, does this all go away?  I think it's pretty typical
>> that NFS will hang things up if there isn't a network available... and
>> perhaps we're running into an issue where there isn't a network
>> because it isn't getting started until NetworkManager comes up later.
> No, still tries to mount.  With systemd I don't have any idea what to
> do/edit/change to get it to start later or NM to start earlier.
> Any ideas?  Or can edit rcx.d/service (NM for example) and get it to
> start earlier?

 I thought the whole point of systemd was to deal with these kind of
issues ... by holding the socket open and allowing services more freedom
to not block.

 I don't believe you have much control on when (or at least I recall
early claims that it was irrelevant) - rather you have control on what
depends on what - so nfs should depend on network but it should do so in
a non-blocking way ...

 Sadly with complexity comes ... more complexity ... this may simply be
a case of the unit file needing more work.

 Systemd unit file repairman ?
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