On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 03:48 +0000, Andre Robatino wrote:
> 1) In the boot menu, there is a "Verify and Boot" option, but I didn't see any
> evidence of a verify being done. I know that the netinst install disc no 
> longer
> has a mediacheck. Is this also true for live images? If a verify is being 
> done,
> the user should know it. If not, the "Verify and Boot" menu item should be
> removed. I'll file a bug either way.
> 2) In attempting to test
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:TestCases/Install_Source_Live_Image in a VM
> (both VirtualBox and KVM) there are no desktop icons at all, so in particular
> it's impossible (or at least not obvious how) to install to hard drive.

In the fallback mode, though there's no 'install to hard drive' icon on
desktop, it can be found from Applications->System Tools.



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