On Sun, 2011-04-17 at 12:41 +0200, Josep Puigdemont wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed the instructions for installing FC15-Beta (RC2) on an EFI
> system, and can confirm that the "Testcase Boot Methods efidisk.img"
> passed without problems, at least for x86_64. Can I put a check mark on
> that test [1], or should someone from the QA team do that?

Please feel free to add your result.  Thanks for testing!

> Then I also want to report a couple of issues:
> The installation went smoothly, but when it finished and was about to
> reboot, the kernel panicked (didn't copy the stack trace sorry). I don't
> know if this is a known issue, I could file a bug report if you feel
> it's necessary.

I'm not aware of any kernel panics on reboot.  Unless we can get the
stack trace, I don't think it's worth filing a bug at this point.

> Then I run into a problem when booting Fedora, as it just brings me to
> the grub prompt. I figured grub wasn't able to read the config file, but
> that doesn't seem to be the case. The grub.conf file in the EFI
> partition seems fine. Then I tried to manually type at the grub prompt
> the relevant commands I found in grub.conf:
> grub> device (hd0) HD(...)
> grub> root (hd0,1)
> Error 5: Partition table invalid or corrupt.
> That error seems a bit odd, as the partition table appears to be fine
> when I boot from a live CD disk (it's anaconda's default partition
> table).
> To test further, I did the EFI install of F14 and found the same issue.
> Could it just be a problem with my hardware, perhaps?
> Any pointers on how to debug the issue would be appreciated.

Booting the installer with 'rescue' would be good.  You can then have it
locate your system partitions, and you can access installation log
files.  Those files will help ensure that the installer did everything
right (/root/*log and /var/log/anaconda/*).  Those files, along with
'parted' output, will help determine how your disk(s) are partitioned.
Do you recall where you directed the installer to write the bootloader?

If you have time, I might suggest doing a non-EFI install with the same
partition selections, and compare results.  If the problem only happens
with EFI installs, that'll help narrow down the issue.


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