Hi Andre, 

Thanks for the deltaiso executable, it works great. From the notes on
'what to test' part[1], I spent some time reading the explanation from
the two mails you linked to finally find these executables. Then I think
if it would be more convenient if there's a direct link to them saying
that people who use F-15 deltaisos on F-14 system need them? And the
explanation can be put into delta iso page[2] as you've already done. 

How do you think?   


[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Delta_ISOs

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 05:12 -0400, Andre Robatino wrote:
> Previously I posted instructions for temporarily upgrading the xz
> compression on a F14 box to be able to work with deltaisos for F15 and
> later:
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2011-February/097009.html
> Michael Young's method at
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2011-April/098540.html
> is much nicer, since not only is it simpler (at least if you've used
> rpmbuild a little), but once you create the executable, you can just use
> it on your existing system without changing packages. I've posted
> executables at
> http://robatino.fedorapeople.org/deltaiso_executables/
> so you can either use these, or roll your own. See the README concerning
> the version (f14 vs. f15). Most people will need the f15 version. The
> f14 versions are only for someone running F15 or later and needing to
> use a diso for F14 or below, which is uncommon.
> Of course, if you are using F14 or below and need to use a diso for F14
> or below, or using F15 or above and need to use a diso for F15 or above,
> then just use the deltaiso package from the Fedora repos.
> sha256 checksums:
> d1a9c980404059b1fa93a0cebe00e0d17eb49c1a0782433b9e82157f4adcdf6d
> applydeltaiso_f14_i686_staticliblzma
> 23893d6f633644006b18a03c01ef4560fc8536d73f2e7712fc9736c24dc55818
> makedeltaiso_f14_i686_staticliblzma
> 185c19740be3ed108780c1be9954aade8891841fb88006bce98ce7f5137707c1
> applydeltaiso_f14_x86_64_staticliblzma
> 765d6d302ada19cfdbe38e7c8012cf915235791cf54c515150422a9d0059f811
> makedeltaiso_f14_x86_64_staticliblzma
> 98ba3875e76c9a0d54a71158efa2b366c7410170261b6fe64484fc3149840708
> applydeltaiso_f15_i686_staticliblzma
> 91e25cca3982cbf0ef72123703a9afded3c8f7ec41738cc7dce2c98c5b06c576
> makedeltaiso_f15_i686_staticliblzma
> 702e30d7e90af66edbc693426b482ee1c79257acf37dc21a6bfb40c6c1bbe7e7
> applydeltaiso_f15_x86_64_staticliblzma
> c7f5f0b047dd5d1d0c8315070ee09e691fc1ee016fbd13cbbead3330477216f8
> makedeltaiso_f15_x86_64_staticliblzma
> -- 
> test mailing list
> test@lists.fedoraproject.org
> To unsubscribe: 
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/test


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