On 04/20/2011 06:39 PM, John Watzke wrote:
>> Launch firefox and display the About popup.  Notice anything missing?
>> Yup, the only way to be rid of it is to stop FF and kill off
>> xulrunner-bin.  Or perhaps xkill?  Is this a window manager (mutter?)
>> bug?
>    Not that I specifically agree with it but popup windows like the about
> window are dismissed with the Esc key rather than a close button.
> Gnome-shell has some minimalistic design decisions in it which will take
> some getting used to like the lack of a minimize button and the alt button
> press for a shutdown.  That last one seems fine for desktops which I run
> 24x7 but not necessarily laptops which I tend to shutdown and pack away.

I think the OP has a good bead on this. It is rather silly to change
the paradigm (no close button on popups) and expect people to use the
ESC key instead. Use the ALT button to shut down? What kind of lunacy
is this? I can't believe it takes THAT much more code/CPU to implement
a close button and leave the shutdown mechanism alone regardless of how
"minimalistic" they want to be.

This sounds like change for change's sake and makes no sense
whatsoever. The more I see of Gnome's silly decision making process,
the less confidence I have in them. Surely Red Hat has some pull with
these people. How about using a bit of it to quash these stupid plans?
Red Hat can't realistically expect a RHEL release based on F15 and this
sort of idiocy to fly with their customer base, do they? Seriously?
Rick Stevens
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