On Sun, 2011-05-08 at 12:26 +0530, Pratyush Sahay wrote:
> Hello, 
> Tried installing F15 TC1 from a USB DVD media, created using
> UNetBootin from F15-i386-dvd.iso image.
> The installer exits after the "Boot Loader OS list" step, the error
> being shown :
> No Network Available.. some of the software repos require networking,
> but there
> was an error enabling the network on your system

It seemed that even if you used DVD.iso to create the bootable USB, the
USB still acted as a netinst.iso without a usable package repo. Did you
use UNetBootin on previous releases for DVD install? From its
website[1], I found that UNetBootin only supports Live CD and Net
install for USB, but no DVD. 

> Am behind our insti's ntlm proxy, so even pluging-in the ethernet
> cable didnt help..
> Screenshot link :
> http://goo.gl/DlwgA

Requiring the network is expected for a net install. As a workaround, if
you can't connect to internet during install, you can input 'askmethod'
as kernel parameter. When prompted, select Hard drive as your
installation source. Then select the disk partition that houses your DVD
iso image.  


[1] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/


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