On 06/02/2011 09:54 AM, Vitezslav Humpa wrote:
> Hey folks,

  (1) I think showing the executable name for every application is vital.

  Whether its directly in menu, popup or alternating pink flashing
lights .. :-)

  The gnome and kde search tools alreadys search for executable names,
so only the menu/app stuff would need changing.

  (2) Do not attempt to demand all desktops use same generic name.

   While having the 'generic' names be consistent is not a bad idea at
first blush - I think it imposes demands that would be hard to
coordinate with upstreams and therefore would put a burden on the fedora

  Since we (fedora) have limited resources they could better be used on
other things than changing all the menu names every time theres an
upstream change which does follow the fedora way.

  (3) That said, generic names could be improved. To use your example,
Terminal is a terrible name. There should be recognition of the
different applications in the generic name such as:

    Terminal (Gnome) [gnome-terminal]
    Terminal (X)     [xterm]
    Terminal (KDE Console) [kconsole]

  Whether it is a menu list or a tiered menus list like


         Gnome       [gnome-terminal]
         X           [xterm]
         KDE Console [kconsole]

  The optional executable name should always be available. However these
details are really 'upstream' aren't they?

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