2011/8/8 Andre Robatino <robat...@fedoraproject.org>:
> I'm considering filing a bug for 
> gnome-shell-extensions-alternative-status-menu
> to be included in a default installation, considering that most users, 
> including
> myself, seem to prefer having a "Power Off..." option (without having to use 
> the
> Alt key), and I haven't seen anyone other than the Gnome devs object to the
> idea. Would this be feasible?

I think that is a very interesting idea. Every user I know prefer the
"alternative-status-menu" extension, and me to. I think that, as
distribution, for the future release, would be a good idea to insert
as default option of some gnome-shell-extension. This, in particoloar
is not for us that know better Linux, but for make Gnome 3 easier for
new user. Seems that even others distro are chosing that way.

My 2c

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Alexjan Carraturo
Free Software User Group Italia administrator (http://www.fsugitalia.org)
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