On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 10:31:21 +0200
Thomas Spura <toms...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Some i686 updates make it to the broken deps for x86_64, others
> don't...
> Why that?

This is multilib. Basically packages that have a -devel subpackage have
that devel subpackage and it's requirements (if available) shipped in
the 64bit tree. The theory is that this allows people to develop and
run 32bit applications if they need on 64bit machines. The 32bit
packages in the 64bit repo that don't show up in the report, don't have
broken deps. ;) 

You can see the exact logic used in the 'mash' project: 


If you are wanting to fix issues as a maintainer,
may provide some ideas. 


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