> On Sun, 2011-09-04 at 23:14 -0400, Chuck Anderson wrote:
>> I need guidance.  I've installed the F14 libcap from updates-testing.
>> I have no idea if it works or how to test it--it doesn't appear to
>> "break" anything as far as normal operation of my system.  Is that
>> good enough to give +1 karma to the package?  If not, it would be
>> helpful for the maintainer would put instructions in the update text
>> saying how to test the update.

  libcap provides posix capabilities support - fair question would be
how to get a list of applications which use libcap stuff it provides.

  rpm -q -l libcap

 shows these are provided:


 One could troll all binaries on the system asking which ones employ
libcap.so.2 using ldd - and perhaps egrep for calls to getcap and the
like ...

 I suspect someone has or has written a tool to catalog these things -


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