On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 09:06:24 +0200, JB (Joachim) wrote:

> After having installed gnome-screensaver-3.1.91-1.fc16 from bodhi, it's
> no more possible to lock the screen with ctr+alt+l, nor with the lock
> screen user menu entry.
> By downgrading to gnome-screensaver-3.1.90-1.fc16 I get rid from this prob.

True, that one works.
> Anybody has similar problems?

Not yet because fetching many packages from koji before they are listed
as pushed in the corresponding bodhi tickets is beyond my time.

Do you have a Fedora Account yet? If so, the regression you see would
be something to report in the ticket for the GNOME 3.1.91 updates linked
below. adamwill has already commented on some screen locking issues there.


Fedora release 16 (Verne) - Linux 3.1.0-0.rc4.git0.0.fc16.x86_64
loadavg: 0.27 0.23 0.21
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