On 09/09/11 08:22 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-09-09 at 18:54 -0600, Dariusz J. Garbowski wrote:
>> Sadly, tracker affected my interest in Solang... Why do I need another 
>> search tool on my system?
>> Already have locate. KDE comes with it's own stuff (which I disable by 
>> default). Now another one
>> sneaks in...
> tracker is a desktop search; rather different from locate. locate only
> indexes file *names*. tracker indexes their contents.

Oh, I know :-) Yet, locate is all *I* need, that, plus grep. (Not saying that 
others might need/want 
more than locate).

Yet, I get tracker, where I didn't ask for it. It would have been OK if it was 
disabled by default 
but not only it wasn't but it created problems for me (not to mention what is 
the point of scanning 
removable media by default is beyond me). Without any hint of how to disable 
it. Besides, if I had 
another search engine installed and running why would I want yet another one?

It's a quick and easy way to piss off users :(

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