On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 09:15 -0800, Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
> Since moving to Fedora 16 my laptop has been constantly overheating. In
> fact with the tracker-store taking up so much CPU it creates a perfect
> storm and the system will sometimes shut itself off because of the high
> heat in the CPU.

Not sure if other laptops are having same issue, but could be because
debugging turned on in the kernels at present, as well as that making it
slow, also making X or some other resource using lot of CPU to
compensate for it.  

Might try booting with kernel as slub_debug=- and see if that helps make
any different.  If it does, then the next kernel build I think is
suppose to have debugging turned off and that might help.  Then again,
might be something totally different.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"The best town on Earth!"

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