During the discussion around Xen DomU support as a beta release
criterion in the Fedora QA meeting today, the question of blocking for
DomU came up.

Specifically, do we want to have Xen DomU support as a final release

I can think of two arguments for making it a release criterion:

1. If install as DomU doesn't work at final release, it becomes much
   more difficult to install as DomU for that release without spinning
   custom install media.

2. Amazon EC2 is based on Xen, DomU support could affect our ability to
   release on EC2.

Another thought is that Fedora 16 is going to be the first release in a
while that supports running as Xen Dom0. It seems a bit silly to have
support for Dom0 and not have the ability to run as DomU.

Anyhow, thoughts around making DomU support a final release criterion?


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