On 10/10/2011 01:02 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> What's eventually going to happen is that grub2 will replace grub and
> you'll have to write a new config manually. You can beat the rush and do
> it now - install grub2, remove grub (you can use yum shell mode to do
> this without any complaints), run 'grub2-mkconfig
> -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg' then 'grub2-install /dev/whatever' ,
> where /dev/whatever is the device you want to boot from.
> This should work in most cases, though if you're using BIOS RAID you
> might run into a bit of trouble - we keep finding cases where grub2/BIOS
> RAID is busted.

 Does this work for UEFI boot (seems to be the norm on all new computers)?

  I had vague recollections that grub2 had problems with UEFI - perhaps
it has been fixed now?


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