On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 13:37 -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, David Lehman <dleh...@redhat.com> said:
> > Ah, yes. Same bug for partitions. Presumably also for raid.
> Oh, you said it worked for you.  What version were you testing?

I was not using --onpart. You were. That's the difference.

> > anaconda-16.18-1 added support for specifying reserved space in a _new_
> > vg for snapshots or whatever. I'm adding it to the wiki options page
> > now. The new options are both to the volgroup command:
> > 
> >   --reserved-space=<mb>         (reserved space in mb)
> >   --reserved-percent=<percent>  (reserved percentage of vg space)
> Go to know.
> > Why do you care about the ordering of the LVs?
> Because ordering affects performance.  For example, I set up a separate
> LV "queue" for the mail queue on a mail server; I also have a separate
> LV for /usr/local ("usrl", grows to fill the VG, minus space for
> snapshots) and /var ("var", where the logs live).  Anaconda orders LVs
> alphabetically (last time I checked), which could put the mail queue and
> mail logs at nearly opposite ends of the disk.

I didn't realize lvm guarantees all lvs are allocated from adjacent

> > > Anaconda also doesn't allow custom RAID configuration options, such as
> > > metadata versions, chunk size, bitmaps, creation of RAID with missing
> > > devices (or IIRC RAID1 with 1 drive) for later expansion.
> > 
> > We do create bitmaps where they make sense when creating md arrays since
> > around F13.
> That covers one option.

We also choose metadata version sensibly for you, unless you have some
highly specialized use-case. In that case you are free to use %pre as
you do now.

> I don't necessarily expect anaconda to expand to cover all the available
> options, but at the same time, anaconda shouldn't prevent admins from
> using the available options via %pre.

Anaconda doesn't prevent admins from using %pre, as you have

Root filesystem creation is a special case. We have provided a mechanism
to specify custom options. Apparently nobody uses them the way that you
do, so you win the prize of discovering a bug. That's life on the
bleeding edge.


> -- 
> Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
> I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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