On 11/7/2011 1:03 PM, James J Catchpole wrote:
I have been using Fedora 16 for some time now and Nautilus has never worked. I assumed that it would be fixed but so far nothing has been done. I have been watching for other posts regarding it but have seen none so perhaps it is limited to my system. I am currently at nautilus-3.2.1-2.fc16.i686. It is not a disaster as I can use Thunar as a file manager, but Nautilus is suppose to be an integral component of gnome.

OK I did not include any detailed technical information as I am not sure how to do that. I checked the messages log and there does not appear to be anything there relevant to nautilus. I wandered through google looking for related issues. The only thing I have is the following command line information.

[poppop@JJC-T60 ~]$ nautilus
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
Could not register the application: Timeout was reached

When I start it from the autostart I don't really see anything at all. Following is my autostart script.

[Desktop Entry]

I am running the 32 bit version of Fedora.

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