On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 08:04 -0500, Josef Skladanka wrote:
> This testcase [1] should ensure, that if the user uses LiveCD tools to 
> transfer the Fedora Live.iso to USB stick, the boot process works 'as 
> expected'.
> I propose this as a Alpha verification testcase.

I just realized, this test case is bad. It's basically a duplicate of
QA:Testcase_USB_stick_Live Live-ISO-to-Disk: they both come from the
same reference guide, and the 'livecd-tools' section of that guide is
really just ensuring that livecd-iso-to-disk is installed.

What this test case ought to do is ask the tester to use livecd-creator
to create the USB image. That's the case we're currently missing.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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