I've noticed that, as with previous versions of GNOME 3, bluetooth and
network on/off settings do not survive a reboot. If I disable bluetooth
by toggling the switch to off, next reboot it is on again. Is this

Some other experiences with F17 alpha-RC4:
- ipv6 addressing is now working out-of-the box (no more need to edit
firewall settings)!
- on my 2011 macmini grub 1 efi exhibits the usual/expected problems, it
wont boot the system 4 out of 5 times.
- Installation from DVD (efi mode) went without a hitch
- anaconda now uses a separate /boot/efi partition instead of putting
grub efi on the existing (mac) partition.
- autocomplete feature got worse. Its very slow but seems to get better
over time.
- Wireless (Broadcom BCM4331) does not work due to missing firmware
(b43). Not sure if b43 even supports the 4331.

I think this release is shaping up nicely!


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