On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Dan Mashal <dan.mas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ruy,
> Are you using i386 or amd64 version of Fedora17?
> How did you upgrade? Please provide us with the steps to reproduce the
> problem.
> I am about to do an upgrade on a Fedora 16 i386 host right now for testing
> purposes and would appreciate this information.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:25 PM, pringle...@gmail.com <pringle...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi, i upgrade to fedora 17 from fedora 16 with no issues. I try to login
>> to Gnome Shell but the warning that say Oh no! and ask to logout show up.
>> The funny thing was that in my setup (dual monitors) the rest of the login
>> process continue (in one monitor the warning in the other the rest of stuff
>> that start).
>> At first i have a lot of dupes to fix and  a few update to make. All of
>> this was done in KDE which is my backup WM. After quickly adapting to KDE
>> and doing every fix and update a few didn't (gnome-shell-extensions because
>> ask for Gnome 3.3.9 instead of 3.3.5 IIRC). Because of this i decided to
>> try again and i disable every extension, but after that the startup process
>> appears frozen (like the 3.0 days when nothing show up if you where using a
>> dev version instead a final version).
>> This is a reported bug/i need to do something to fix it or i just wait
>> for the 28 and final version?
>> Thanks, Ruy
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Hi, i use i386 and i upgrated using the DVD install.

Good luck in the update.

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