> Because there are some objections for serial interface being in final
> criterion, I'd like to start discussion again. There was discussion
> on
> blocker bug meeting [1] (17:40) and it didn't end with unanimous
> decision. So, let the flame war begin. Do you want serial interface
> in
> beta criterion? I asked anaconda team for suggestion and here is
> their
> answer [2]. What is your opinion?
> [1] http://goo.gl/921Vo
> [2]
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2012-February/msg00144.html

My view is that having it Final is easier and having it Beta is more 
beneficial. Serial console is used a lot for various VM setups and automated 
testing. If we have it in Final, we might not get as much bug reports received 
from general public, because in Beta it will be broken.

The QA team uses TCs and RCs, but still, this issue might get fixed just soon 
before Final if the requirement is Final. That makes all tests based on serial 
console useless, because they will pass only at the end of development cycle. 
Here's an example of such a test:

So it hurts both us and the bug reports from public. I don't know how hard is 
to maintain serial console for Anaconda team. Maybe it's a nightmare. But if it 
is doable, I would prefer having it in Beta.
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