On 03/23/2012 09:36 PM, Paul Whalen wrote:
A ticket was previously opened up to address the issue of incorporating ARM 
into the existing QA tests (http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/277), and 
begin the discussion of what work is still needed. I would like to revisit this 
on the mailing list, to see what steps need to be addressed by the ARM team for 
a smooth migration to be possible.

Yeah well the content and the discussion in that ticket does not make much sense to me.

Incorporating arm or any other cpu for that matter in our process should not be a problem.

If it is, then it is something that we need to fix since our process should work regardless of the cpu in question.
( we dont care if it's primary or secondary either  )

The problem you are faced with is basically this reporters that own,can afford to buy or otherwise have access to hardware with arm cpu. ( same thing applies to sparc,ppc etc ) since our test coverage entirely depends upon that.

If there is any arm specific testing ( which I highly doubt since we dont have any i386 or x86_64 bit once ) that we need to perform we would just work those out with you guys and document them.

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