On Thu, 29 Mar 2012, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 29 March 2012 11:25, Michael Hennebry <henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote:
Has F17 been tested to see whether it will install on a Pentium 4?
Recently I installed F15 because I could not get the F16 installer to boot.
I can get the F13, F14 and F15 installers to boot without media.
The F16 installer was a no go, both without media and with a minimal CD.
In both cases, I got crashes that required pushing the reset button.
I never got to tell them about the iso file.

What kind of Pentium IV. There were several versions and also multiple
motherboards all of which will affect whether this question can be

Stepping 9.
Apparently it doesn't have NX.
At least it doesn't show up in /proc/cpuinfo
and there seems to be no BIOS switch for it.
It does have hyperthreading.
The machine is a DakTech with a D865GBF motherboard.

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"On Monday, I'm gonna have to tell my kindergarten class,
whom I teach not to run with scissors,
that my fiance ran me through with a broadsword."  --  Lily
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