On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 11:30:47AM -0500, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> >
> >AFAIK 'askmethod' is no longer valid.  Use repo=...
> Arrrg.  Syntax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> kernel /isolinux17/vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/iso17/
> good?

I really do not know if "LABEL=/home1" device specification will
work in this context.  It might but that would depend on what really
happens in initrd.img you are using.  Try and see.

I prefer to be explicit in such situations, i.e.

   kernel (hd0,2)/isolinux17/vmlinuz ...
   initrd (hd0,2)/....

but if 'root' is set correctly this should not matter.

It is easy to experiment with all these details from a 'grub>' prompt
while booting.  Your interactive adjustments are not permanent but
this is not that important here.

In any case I do not have a corresponding iso image on hand so I cannot
go through the whole thing but using vmlinuz and initrd.img from F17 and
booting like the above I am getting at least a dracut debug shell prompt
(after expected here "no suitable images" complaints).

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