> > I'd like RelEng team to keep all the composes until Fedora Branched is
> > Final (if technically possible) and I'd like to have some more use cases
> > as an argument than just my personal opinions (maybe I just failed to
> > explain them properly on #fedora-admin, so you might be more convincing).
> To answer Kamil's initial post - I think the use cases he cited are
> good
> valid ones. I've certainly used old TCs/RCs for regression testing
> before ('was this broken by noloader, or was it broken before that? I
> know, just download TC1 and see whether it works...')
> --
> Adam Williamson

After some responses were gathered on test list, I humbly ask RelEng team to 
keep all the TCs/RCs available in the future until Fedora Branched is GOLD, 
unless some technical problems appear (storage, bandwidth). It will improve the 
release quality.

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