On Mon, 7 May 2012 20:09:53 +0530
Amit Saha <amitks...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Hello all:
> I built a boot.iso with 'lorax' using Fedora 17 release,version using
> the default templates:
> $ sudo lorax --buildarch=i386 -p fedora -v 17 -r 17 -s
> http://mirror.optus.net/fedora/linux/development/17/i386/os/ lorax_op
> I faced a couple of issues:
> 1. When i boot it using qemu/VirualBox, after selecting the install
> option, the process stops with a white screen. Any reason for this?

Do you have any logs for the install? That doesn't ring any bells
regarding bugs that we've seen thus far but I'm also not sure that
we've done any spins with just F17 stable, either.

> 2. When I boot it on bare metal after burning to a USB stick, the
> installer goes to the storage device selection stage. I already have
> a Fedora 17 installation on disk, which the new installation isn't
> very happy with and complains that it cannot proceed with the
> installation. Is this expected?

It's likely that the packages on the boot.iso are older than your base
system if you've been keeping it up to date with updates-testing. I'm
not 100% clear on how upgrades work on the same base version but that
could be part of the problem (assuming that F17->F17 'upgrades' are
supposed to work and I'm not sure that they are).

> Thanks for any comments and clarifications.
> Best,
> Amit

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