On 05/08/2012 08:37 PM, Jonathan Kamens wrote:
> On 05/06/2012 08:27 AM, Kevin DeKorte wrote:
>> Can you check your locale on the GDM login page? I had this problem
>> when I upgraded to F16, in that I could not see utf-8 characters in
>> the terminal. Turned out my locale was set to en_US.C or something
>> like that when it should have been en_US.UTF8. Changing that in GDM
>> solved it.
> I can't find any way to check my locale on the GDM login page. Am I missing 
> something?
> Once I've logged in, "set | grep ^L" in a GNOME terminal says LANG is set to
> "en_US". The variable GDM_LANG has the same value.
> Strangeness... When I click on my name while logged in and open System 
> Settings,
> and then click on Region and Language, the language that's set is "English 
> (United
> States) [ISO-8859-1]". If I click on "English" instead, which is a separate
> language in the listing, and then close the settings window, log out and log 
> back
> in, and open the settings again, it's /again/ set to "English (United States)
> [ISO-8859-1]". Is it a bug that the change to "English" doesn't stick?

Well, I think your problem may be that your LANG is set to en_US and not 
as it should be.

If I'm not mistaken, the system default is contained in /etc/sysconfig/i18n.  

[egreshko@meimei sysconfig]$ cat i18n

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of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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