I've been pulling my hair about this for hours and going in circles.

After removing Shotwell from my system, I associated JPG images with
Paint Shop Pro (running under WINE).

Now, when I want to select what program to use to open a given .JPG
file, if I select "Open with ->" I get as options GIMP, Image Viewer,
Paint Shop Pro, WINE Internet Explorer, WINE internet explorer (yes,
same program twice), and "Select other program".

If I click on "Select other program" I get a list of applications but
NOWHERE is an option to specify a program manually, with path and
command line options. This is a serious usability disaster.

Two questions:

1. How to remove the duplicates "WINE Internet Explorer" (I' d like to
remove the two altogether).
2. I created a new program launcher, placed it on /usr/bin, made it
executable, tested it from the command line, and it works. Now for
heaven's sake how do I associate it with JPG files if the program
doesn' t appear in the "Select other program" list. I have even
created a .desktop launcher and icon for the app and placed it on
/share/applications. I thought this would be enough to make the
application appear on the list of "Select other program". I rebooted
to make sure the list got reloaded. But no, doesn' t cut it. My custom
app doesn' t show up in "Select other program" .

So I give up... and turn to this list for enlightment...


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
Acto Revolucionario
- George Orwell
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