On 09/13/2012 02:28 AM, Scott Poore wrote:
> Has anyone done kickstarts with F18 with text only with kvm guest (on F16 or 
> F17 host) with virt-install with --nographics?
> I thought I'd seen/heard that people had done text installs but, I can't seem 
> I'm trying this:
> virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
>   --network=bridge:virbr0 \
>   --initrd-inject=./vm7.ks \
>   --extra-args="ks=file:/vm7.ks console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 serial 
>   --name=vm7 \
>   --disk path=/data/VirtualMachines/vm7.img,format=qcow2,size=8 \
>   --disk path=/data/isos/F18RC2_64.iso,device=cdrom \
>   --ram 1024 \
>   --vcpus=1 \
>   --check-cpu \
>   --hvm \
>   --location=/data/isos/F18RC2_64.iso \
>   --nographics
> vm7.ks file contents:
> install
> text
> reboot
> lang en_US.UTF-8
> keyboard us
> network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= 
> --gateway= --nameserver=
> rootpw testpwd
> firewall --enabled --ssh
> selinux --enforcing
> timezone --utc America/New_York
> bootloader --location=mbr --append="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 
> zerombr
> clearpart --all --initlabel
> autopart
> %packages --nobase
> @core
> %end
> So, anyone know offhand what I'm missing or doing wrong?

Jesse Keating on #fedora-qa mentioned there's no code 'yet' to drive kickstarts 
from text
(for F18)

> Thanks,
> Scott

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