"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> This bug is filed against RHEL in any case just have it in permissive
> mode up to beta should suffice and prevent any RC_N surprises

Jóhann, I didn't blindly post the first bug I found.

I ran into this bug on a Fedora system, which is the only reason I knew
about it in the first place.

If you read the bug comments you will find:

* With Enforcing: No AVC messages were output, but dirsrv-admin
   could not be started
* With Permissive: No AVC messages where output, but
  dirsrv-admin started

If you default to Permissive then you *will* miss possible policy bugs.
Some of these are hidden in "dontaudit" messages such as the bug I linked.

> It would be good to get feed back from Dan what's his taken on this

Good. I know I'm Mr. Nobody here, but his answer would be definitive.
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