Hey, folks. Just to keep everyone in the loop on 18 Beta TC status:
there's an anaconda 18.13 build which we were hoping would be used in a
TC3 to address some of the partitioning bugs that have been found in
TC2, but it has a worse bug itself:


(nice job Steve for finding it that fast!) so I'm not going to request a
TC3 with that anaconda. I'm guessing most people are aware of the issues
in TC2 by now, including the big one that it can't cope with deleting
existing partitions -
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=863348 . But once you're
aware of the mines it should be possible to work around them and hit a
lot of the test cases, so we should be able to get some more useful
testing done on TC2 over the weekend before the anaconda folks fix up
the borks on Monday and we can roll a TC3. So please, keep testing TC2
over the weekend and get the matrix filled up! Thanks everyone :)
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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