On 10/08/2012 05:15 AM, Kevin Martin issued this missive:
     > --
     > Regards,
     > ------------------------
     > Kevin Martin
     > --

     I use F17 and Xfce. My PC is very old (Athlon) so I see a delay when 
switching to a thunderbird window but it's sometimes less
     than a second, sometimes maybe a couple of seconds.
     So specially if your computer isn't as old then maybe you have a video 
driver issue? Just a guess that might be wrong.
     So the issue exists but for some reason you're having it exaggerated.
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I don't see any issues on my F18 instances (VirtualBox) and F18 installed on my 
laptop, so it must be something there is depending
on hardware.


Hmm, the switching problem is solved.  But a second problem (which I hoped 
would be fixed if I got the switching problem figured
out) still exists.

For a little more background, in order to get the nouveau driver to work with my card I had to set 
"Option "NoAccel" 1  " in the
Devices section of my xorg.conf file....without this X would crash every time 
(there is an open bugzilla about this that nobody
seems interested in working on).

Are you certain you don't have something else in the
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory that's turning it back on?

 I used to start the OS with nouveau.noaccel=1 in the linux line but that has 
stopped working (yet
another bugzilla that nobody is working on that I can tell).  And I solved my 
switching problem by adding this to my xorg.conf:

Section "Extensions"
     Option "Composite" "off"

So I can switch from workspace to workspace with no issue now.  The other issue 
I'm still seeing is when I move a window within the
workspace...instead of the window just moving to the new location that I drag 
it to there is a noticeable delay in the repaint of
the window....if I set it so that the content of the window is not shown during 
the move it's less noticeable but still obvious.
And occasionally the system doesn't recognize when I release the mouse button 
during the move such that if I release the button but
continue to move the mouse the window still follows the mouse and ends up in a 
place that I didn't intend.

So I'm getting closer and will continue to experiment.  Any thoughts or 
suggestions greatly appreciated.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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