On 10/26/2012 10:20 AM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Cole Robinson (crobi...@redhat.com) said: 
>>>> Up until recently this was a full install tree, including the images/
>>>> subdir. This makes it easy to use the tree for PXE (like using
>>>> cobbler import) or URL installs in virt-manager.
>>>> Now, though, current trees only have Packages/ repodata/ and drpms/
>>>> subdirs. (occasionally accessing that URL dumps me at a mirror with a
>>>> full install tree, but it was last synced on October 16 so obviously
>>>> Is the change intentional? If so, why? And is there some place to
>>>> still rsync a full install tree?
>>> It's been broken the last few days. See: 
>>> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5377
>>> The previous issue was fixed, but something further is going on now... 
>> Thanks for the link. I only assumed it wasn't temp brokenness since rawhide
>> trees similarly lack images/:
>> http://mirror.steadfast.net/fedora/development/rawhide/x86_64/os/
>> Anyone know why that is? any recommendations if I want to try pxe booting/URL
>> VM install of rawhide anaconda after F18 GA?
> It has been intentional that rawhide doesn't produce images, because (at
> least in the past), it wasn't even remotely expected to work, so it would 
> generally
> cause a lot of bug reports where the response is 'yes, it's broken, we'll
> get to that later'. So image generation is turned off in rawhide.
> If people want it turned back on, we can do so; it's a script change.
> Obviosly doesn't mean they'll magically start working.

Nah, given that it was turned off deliberately it sounds like it should stay
that way. I was just curious.


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