On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 06:16:24PM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> On 11/09/2012 05:30 PM, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> >On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 08:49:19AM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> >>>
> >>>I was saying today it's more common that people use vm ( In both
> >>>direction linux in vm on windows and windows in vm on linux )
> >>>instead of dualbooting.
> >Just out of curiosity.  Do you have some real data to back up this claim
> Look at the top model section of [1] Virtual vs HW
> 1. http://smolt.fedoraproject.org/static/stats/stats.html

You think that smolt data are representative?  I have serious doubts due
to a self-selection nature of these submissions; but at least these are
some numbers.

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