On 2012-11-11 5:00, Josh Boyer wrote:

Yes, I'm aware of that.  The problem space here is "what is Fedora's
perception, fitting in within the confines of our rules, community, and

As far as I'm aware, there is nothing in our rules or our communities that makes hard requirements about the freeness of the platforms on which we run.

The KVM stack works well on Fedora / RHEL and (so I've heard) reasonably well on Ubuntu. I don't know if it's widely used or supported on other distributions, or even necessarily packaged for them. It definitely is not
an option on Windows or OS X.

Again.  I said "Linux host".

Sorry for not making this part clearer, but in the wider context it doesn't matter what you said, because the wider context is whether we should support other virt platforms or not.

If you would like me to put it in context, fine, add the following text to my previous post:

"You say 'Linux host', but why should we only worry about Linux hosts? It's clearly the case that people want to run Linux distributions on Windows virtualization hosts, and this seems like a valuable case that we should consider".

I can make strong cases for many things we cannot scale to. I'd love to see those pushing for this to actually step up and do it. Get testcases written, form groups of triagers, just run the damn tests regardless of criteria status, present results. And KEEP doing that until we can see
that this isn't a flash in the pan and it's sustainable.

Sure, that would be nice, of course. But often such efforts grow out of discussions like this. The Xen case did. I'm certainly hoping the same people who pushed for the Xen support and wrote the Xen criterion and test cases will be testing it this time around as they did last time around, for instance.

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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