On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 02:05 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

> In the case of Anaconda's current partitioning stage, I can't see job #1 
> success providing enough help for a successful rescue. It's so unintuitive it 
> seems to me that instead of trying to improve it it would make more sense to 
> cobble together a new foundation system for the F17 UI, along with making 
> whatever changes to it are necessary on account of F17 feature shortcomings. 
> If that turns out to be good enough, fine, but if a whole new Anaconda is to 
> be that can make fewer people unhappy, it needs to be built on a parallel 
> path so that whatever time is required to get the job done right can be given 
> it instead of being shoehorned into so short a release cycle as Fedora's.

It was. If you read the timestamps on the blog posts and design stuff we
keep trying to persuade you to read, you will note that newUI has been
under development for at least two years. I'm really getting tired of
people trying to debate this based on complete misunderstanding of what
are very simple facts.

As several people have pointed out, your actions in this thread seem
completely at odds with the proverb you quote in your sig. You do not
appear to be making any effort at all to understand newUI or the design
process it involved, nor are you making much of an effort to deploy
pleasant words in an attempt to persuade. Several anaconda developers
have told me that posts like yours are the reason they don't read this
list themselves, and I and others have to act as messengers to try and
filter out the unnecessary negativity and try to convey any nugget of
practical data these kinds of messages contain. It's not something we
have a lot of _fun_ doing. Throwing out ridiculous suggestions like
'cobble together a new foundation system for the F17 UI' really isn't
doing much to help anyone achieve anything.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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