> Users that need help belong in Fedora and reporters that are at QA
> can
> just participate in the meeting while they "wait"

That's not what https://fedoraproject.org/en/get-prerelease says. Also it's not 
what I believe is true - that #fedora-qa is used for pre-release issues 

> >
> > I personally feel very uneasy about rejecting/putting on hold all
> > these guys just for the sake of our meeting. I think we can cope
> > with the inconveniences (of e.g. a different channel) much better
> > than the newcomers can.
> It was one guy why are you making so much deal out of this we have
> more
> users popping in regular meeting on our meeting channel than we have
> had
> all the times we have held the blocker meeting in QA ( and this is a
> record holding release in the frequency of holding those meetings )

1. It was not a single guy. It happens quite often, according to my memory. It 
was a single guy _in the last meeting_.
2. For every single guy that interrupts I assume there are 10 newcomers who do 
not dare to interrupt the meeting.
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