On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:

> Hello,
> trying to install from netinst.iso on a server that has vlan tagging.
> I saw that there is this old bugzilla open but not already resolved/worked
> on:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=624752
> I'm able to run these commands from console 2 after selecting em3 as
> network adapter with a fake ip in anaconda
> ip addr del fake_ip dev em3
> ip link add link em3 name em3.66 type vlan id 66
> ip addr add brd dev em3.66
> ip link set dev em3.66 up
> ip route del default via fake_gw
> ip route add default via
> so now I'm able to resolve ns queries and exit.
> But anaconda screen related to installation source remains with
> exclamation mark (I set a proxy that I'm able to reach).
> Any way to force it..?

I was able to bypass the problem changing repo settings.
In particular I set in the corrsponding line:
(that should be the same as the default I imagine)
and the change was picked up and installation able to begin.

Anyway it would be fine to have vlan option added for f19...
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