On 08.01.2013 17:55, David Lehman wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 11:35 +0100, Mateusz Marzantowicz wrote:
>> So, I think now it is time to ask for help. I've been unable to
>> reproduce specific partition layout for 3 day in new F18 that I have
>> created in F17 without any problems. I'm asking if it is still possible
>> to do such partitioning.
>> There are two hard drives of equal size. They are divided into 3  "Linux
>> RAID autodetect" partitions so they can work in 3 RAID1 arrays. On top
>> of one raid device I have /boot (this is quite easy to do in new
>> installer). On the second and third RAID device are two LVM volume
>> groups (one is additionally encrypted). Now, all mount points (to follow
>> new Fedora's name convention) including root, home, var and swap are
>> located on LVM logical volumes (on one vg). The last vg is left for kvm
>> so during installation it might be left empty.
>> Is it possible to do such partitioning during F18 installation?
> Support for interactively creating lvm-on-md did not get implemented for
> F18. It is currently possible via kickstart and will be possible via the
> interactive installer for F19. Sorry for the inconvenience.
> David
>> Mateusz Marzantowicz

Thanks. One more question: is anaconda only unable to create lvm on md
or or also fails to recognize existing partitioning? My point is, is it
possible to do such partitioning before running new anaconda and than
just tell what goes where or it's definitely impossible to go that way
for now?

Mateusz Marzantowicz
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