I download this:

Short version: How do I submit crashes using the bug reporter? It doesn't work 
at all like F18. Some of the screens look the same as F18, most do not. The UI 
is so tragically hideous I'm, for the moment, assuming it's incomplete. The 
main thing I want to know is if it should function, and if so how.

Superfluous, ignorable, long version of my experience:

1. I get an anaconda crash.
2. Unknown error has occurred dialog; click on Report Bug button.
2. Upload the problem data to a server (?) button, I click that and it says the 
wrong settings are detected, if I click on Configure Reporter uploader it wants 
a URL.
3. Back to 1, Report Bug. This time click on Preferences button, I see three 
workflows and two events. Report to Fedora and Bugzilla are two such options, 
both have bugzilla configuration dialogs. Confusing. Filling out either one, 
there is no way forward, only close buttons all of which take me back to dialog 
1 with the Report Bug button.

And then the whole UI froze on me.

Attempt 2, I'm able to get to the bug submission window, totally inadvertently, 
but the "processing failed" and the log shows: No processing for event 
'report_Uploader' is defined.


Chris Murphy
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